Reframing Productivity: Intentionality Over Hustle

Last month, we focused on how to instill accountability within our dancers. We discussed a simple 3-step framework that asks dancers to reflect on their values and behaviors and understand consequences. As your dancers become comfortable with this approach, you’ll notice that their productivity levels will increase; they will become empowered, motivated, and ready to work! In my experience, I’ve noticed how crucial it is for educators and parents to meet or match that energy. That leaves us with the responsibility of simultaneously maintaining productivity and energy levels.

True productivity, like the accountability steps, involves self-awareness, intentionality, and a reliable framework. Let’s dive in!

Self-Awareness is 20/20

In the same way that we ask our dancers to reflect on their values and behaviors, we should reflect on our needs by simply asking, “What is the priority in this given moment?” So, rather than blindly going through the motions, or checking things off your to-do list, you are focused on preparing actionable steps that respond to your needs.

Let’s say you always begin your class with a high-energy dynamic warm-up, but you notice that your dancers have particularly low energy levels. Even though it may seem “productive” to resume business as usual, this is an opportunity to re-assess and respond accordingly. Perhaps the dancers could benefit from a gentle yoga flow or guided meditation/improvisation. When you respond to the needs of the moment, you are more likely to act in line with your values, which brings us to our next point:

Intentionality Over Hustle

The “why” behind your actions and decisions determines whether it’s actually productive. In the example above, your decision to change the warm-up routine simultaneously upholds your values of compassion and holistic well-being. True productivity remains in line with your values and motivations. When our behaviors match our values, we are more likely to experience mental clarity and a sense of control.

Just Ask SIRI

If we have a routine in place that gives us the time and space to reflect, we are more likely to engage in the practice consistently. Here’s a quick and easy acronym that you can use when you are assessing your priorities and needs for the day – ask SIRI:

Scope – How does this function in the grand scheme of things? Intention – What are my motivations? Do they align with my values? Resources – How much time, money, energy, etc. will this require? Impact – What’s the lasting effect of this choice?

As always, this framework can be adapted to what’s relevant for you. Not to mention, it can be applied outside of dance-related settings. So, no matter how many roles you are juggling, your productivity is streamlined with your values.

Looking to dig a bit deeper into productivity for your dancers? Next month, we will focus on the 5 steps of effective problem-solving.